Tuesday 21 February 2017

Arrival (2016)

Acting: 8
Dialogue: 10
Cinematography: 10
Score: 10
Rewatchable: Yes!

 Denis Villeneuve is quickly becoming my favourite director. Every Villeneuve film I have seen - starting with my accidental discovery of his first Englsh speaking film, Prisoners - has managed to blow me out of my seat. And its very hard for me to get blown out off my seat.

 Arrival - A sci-fi movie in which aliens come to earth in huge, black, marble-like ships for some obscure reason. Then here is the nice twist: instead of focusing on some apocalyptic, doomsday confrontation, the film centres on the struggle to understand these aliens and why they are here using linguistic experts around the world.

 This film is very unique, and I feel it should win the Best Picture Oscar award. The score was brilliant; On the Nature of Daylight is used in the beginning and end of the film. The ending of this movie is probably the most well-executed you will ever see. But that's for another blog post.

 Another aspect of this film that was spectacular was the cinematography. I am a sucker for nice images, and Bradford Young's cinematography was consistently awesome. Juzz look at:

I was delighted to find that Bradford Young had worked on an acclaimed Nigerian film, Mother of George, in 2013. So now I am definitely rooting for him to win that Cinematography Oscar.

Villeneuve has 2 more films on the works now. The sequel to Blade Runner, and Dune. Pepper us. Before I leave let me bless your eyes again:

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