Tuesday 29 August 2017

Not another movie about life on Mars

LIFE (2017)
Director: Daniel Espinosa
Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds, Rebecca Ferguson
Acting: 7
Score: 4
Cinematography: 7
Dialogue: 7
Watch again? No
Story: 7

Life is a good movie. A group of astronauts discover evidence of life in Mars and their research goes downhill from there. The plot is simple and there isn't a lot of heavy acting with the exception of Jake Gyllenhaal of course who delivers raw emotion (bias lol). The movie is predictable and it does rely heavily on suspense or maybe too much to keep the audience going.

Image result for life movie jake gyllenhaal
(http://www.slashfilm.com/life-trailer-jake-gyllenhaal/, 2017)

This story doesn't follow the new trend of sci-fi movies that take a calmer approach and rely on feeling and intelligence like Arrival, Interstellar and Ex Machina, however, it is a safe choice for a movie night. The rating for the score is pretty low because it isn't memorable and there is so much that can be done with music with a movie like this.
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